Mind Soul The Magic Garden


Lately a lot of my friends have been asking me about chakras, so I thought it would be worth putting a few information into a single post so it is an easy read with the necessary explanation.

What are the chakras?

Chakra is an old Sanskrit word that literally translates to wheel. Chakras are regularly represented as spinning, colored wheels of energy.

Before we start exploring the meaning of each chakra, it is essential to understand one thing:
The entire universe is made of energy. We are energy. All living things are created by and consist of energy.
Long before modern technology and science, ancient cultures knew that all living things carried a life force with them. The ability of our energy centers to function optimally, is what keeps us psychologically, emotionally, physically, and spiritually balanced. Those centers are called the 7 chakras. They help regulating all its processes, from organ function to the immune system and emotions.

The Chakras are traditionally considered meditation aids. They are positioned throughout our body, from the base of our spine to the crown of our head. Each chakra has its own vibrational frequency, color, and regulates specific functions. In both the Hindu and Buddhist kundalini or candali traditions, the chakras are pierced by a dormant energy residing near or in the lowest chakra. In Hindu texts she is known as Kundalini, while in Buddhist texts she is called Candali or Tummo (Tibetan: gtum mo, “fierce one”).

Which are the 7 Chakras?

Before diving right into the info about the seven chakras and what each of them do, we should first understand how they work. The life force that moves inside of us is spinning and rotating in each of the 7 centers in our body. This spinning energy in a healthy, balanced person, provides exactly the right amount of energy to every part of your body, mind and spirit. Anytime a chakra becomes blocked, under active or overactive, it can throw you off balance physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

When exploring the chakras, it’s best to start at the beginning. Below every chakra is explained, starting with the base of the spine and moving up.

The 1st Chakra – Root Chakra – Muladhara

The 1st chakra, is the muladhara which comes from the words Mula, which means root and Dhara, which means support. It is located at the base of the spine in the coccygeal region of our body. So, this chakra’s role is to connect all of your energy with the Earth, which is called grounding and it governs survival instincts. It is symbolized as a four-petaled lotus with a square at its center representing the element of earth.

Root Chakra Color: Red

The 2nd chakra – Sacral Chakra – Svadhishana

The 2nd chakra is the sacral chakra or svadhishana which translates to “the
residence of the self ” and is located at the root of the sexual organ along the spine of our body. This chakra is all about our identity as a human and what we do with it. It is symbolized as a six-petaled lotus and is represented with a lotus within which is a crescent moon symbolizing the water element.

This chakra brings us creative energy to enjoy life.
Our sacral chakra is the home of the creative life force energy that helps us enjoy our life here on Earth. It’s the energy that motivates us to enjoy the fruits of our labor including indulging in pleasurable activities like sex.

Sacral Chakra Color: Orange

The 3rd chakra – Solar Plexus – Manipura

The 3rd chakra is the Solar Plexus or Manipura which translates to “lustrous gem.” and it is located in the navel region along the spinal column. This chakra is where our self-confidence, identity and personal power are born. It is represented as an upward pointing triangle representing fire in the middle of a lotus with ten petals.

In reality, this is the seat of our personal power, our solar plexus, and we can physically feel that confidence and wisdom in its location.

Solar Plexus Chakra Color: Yellow

The 4th chakra – Heart – Anahata

The 4th chakra is the Heart or Anahata chakra, which translates to “unhurt” and is located in or behind the heart. This chakra is where your love, compassion and kindness are empowered. It is symbolized by a lotus with twelve petals. Within it is a yantra of two triangles, forming a hexagram, symbolizing a union of the male and female as well as being the esoteric symbol for the element of air

The 4th chakra is all about love. This includes love for others and love for ourself, which is why this chakra is also associated with health and healing.

Heart Chakra Color: Green

The 5th Chakra – Throat – Vishuddha

The 5th chakra is the Throat chakra or Vishuddha which translates to “especially pure” and it is located at the base of our throat This chakra gives a voice to our personal truths. This chakra lets us speak our truth with clarity. It is symbolized as a sixteen-petaled lotus.

Throat Chakra Color: Blue

The 6th Chakra – The Third Eye – Ajna

The 6th chakra is the Third Eye Chakra Ajna which translates to “command” and it is located between our eyebrows. This chakra opens up your mind to information beyond the material world and the 5 senses.
It is symbolised by a lotus with two petals.

Extra sensory perception, intuition or psychic energy, all comes from the third eye. There is actually a small pinecone shaped gland in our brain that takes in light. This gland, the pineal gland, is responsible for helping us feel awake in the daytime and sleepy at night.

Long before brain imaging, ancient cultures knew this Third Eye existed, and they also realized that it receives information from sources outside of the five senses.

3rd Eye Chakra Color: Indigo

The 7th Chakra – Crown – Sahaswara

The 7th chakra is the Crown or Sahaswara, which translates to “thousand petaled” and it is located in the crown of the head. This chakra is pure consciousness energy.

You can think of it like magnetism. When you hold a piece of metal to a magnet, you can feel the energy and tension, but you can’t see it. Consciousness energy is everywhere and in everything. It connects us to the entire universe.

Our own personal consciousness is located in the 7th chakra, but it’s really more like the seed of a universal energy than something personal or individual.

Crown Chakra Color: Violet – White

Chakra Cleansing

As mentioned above, when a chakra is blocked, under active or over active, it can throw us of balance. To restore balance to the chakras, cleansing is necessary.

In order to restore positive balance to the affected energy center, the entire blockage and/or negativity must be removed. A few methods include:

  • Reiki
  • Conscious breathing
  • Chakra meditation
  • Yoga
  • Aromatherapy

You can read more about how to clear them and have the energy flowing again here.

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