placebo effect
Down The Rabbit Hole Inspiration Mind The Magic Garden

The Placebo Effect and Law of Attraction

What is a “Placebo”

Placebo in Latin actually means : i shall please

According to WebMD a placebo is anything (pill, shot or fake treatment) that appears to be a “real” medical treatment, but isn’t. Placebo pills are usually used by researchers during studies to test the effects of a medicine on one population versus another on a specific condition.

What Is the Placebo Effect?

placebo effect—a therapeutic outcome derived from a placebo.

The Placebo Effect is typically associated with medical research as i mentioned above. Once the researchers divide the groups for the treatment test, one group takes a real medicine, while the other takes a placebo one. When the study is over, researchers will analyze the effectiveness of the pill on the group that was given the real treatment to the effects noticed in the placebo group.

Often, people in the placebo group will experience positive and/or negative effects from the pill – even though it should have no effect on them since it was a fake sugar pill.

Isn’t that interesting?

The fact is, placebos work so well because we are trained to believe that medicine will heal us, or even that it might cause side effects. This actually proves that our bodies can be tricked into believing they are being treated for something as long as our minds believe it. So it is truly mind-over-body, or mind-over-mind, in action.

Placebo Effect and Manifesting

Now since our minds can trick our bodies to feel the difference, wouldn’t that be effective in everyday life as well with everything that we wish to manifest? Actually, yes.

It turns out that the Placebo Effect is the basis for the Law of Attraction. It is solid proof that our beliefs can affect and create realities which we know as manifesting. I believe everyone is familiar with the book of Rhonda Byrne, The Secret. The idea that our thoughts can help manifest different results in our lives went actually viral with this book. Well, i would say that it is really just a giant placebo effect.

Once we learn how to manipulate it to our advantage, The Placebo effect can really be effective for our manifestations from health to physical changes.

Manifestation tips

There is no secret recipe regrading the techniques you can use to manifest your reality. Since our mind is doing all the work we simply have to believe in it.

Some tips to just help us in magnifying this belief:

  1. Writing: When we put onto paper our goals and aspirations, we help our mind by clearly state what is exactly that we wish to attract into our lives. Always remember to use present tense; as if we already have those in our life. By doing so, we are able to trick our subconscious mind into believing we have the things we write. In addition, it helps us create the base and make it easier for the next technique to kick in. A vision board or manifestation journal will do the work.
  2. Visualizing: Visualizing of what we want with putting in the extra energy of actions. Visualization is simply the art of daydreaming. Just like when we were children; our imagination was so powerful that we were confident that these deep fantasies would someday become our reality. Become so lost in our own thoughts that we can’t help but feel excited. Visualization does not need to be perfect, it just needs to feel good. Meditation is a relaxing way to enjoy the visualization process.
  3. Feeling: Actually all of the above will not really work unless we seal the deal with our feelings! That’s right, we need to use our energy and emotions to actually feel what it’s like having our dreams manifested. Emotions help us create our reality. Emotions are energy and energy attracts like energy. When our emotional vibrations are high, we attract and manifest our true desires faster.

Final Thoughts

I don’t think that the Placebo Effect should be underestimated. Whether it concerns a medical treatment, well-being or a psychological treatment it actually works. And since The Law of attraction states: Like attracts like, and we attract those things in our life that we focus on with intent and energy, it basically puts into action the Placebo Effect.

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