simple steps to connect with your soul
Soul The Magic Garden

Simple steps to connect with your soul

Taking care of our physical appearance is essential, but how about our soul? We spend so much time on a daily basis, making decisions and choices of what to wear, how to use the right make up, the right accesories etc, but we tend to forget to work on our soul, which, at the end of the day, matters more than anything.

Our soul is always there for us to connect with, we don’t need to reach a certain stage of enlightenment or spend hours practicing, our soul is always available to us as a tool of guidance and support.

Spirituality is different for everyone. Some people find it while practicing in the morning, others might me taking a yoga class and meditate on a daily basis. Finding inner guidance does not come with instructions, it is completely different for everyone and depends on how we feel it.

Here are some things you can do to feel more connected to your soul.

Things That You Love

Without putting too much thought into it, make a list of things that you love, such as: “reading a good novel, chocolate, Sunday mornings, etc…” Write as many things as you can. All of the things written on this list, are ways in which your spirit is fed. These words are the way in which your soul feels alive and aligned. The more you give your soul the things it loves, the stronger it becomes and the more connected you will feel to it.


Journaling helps putting in words everything that is in your head. Whether that is writing about your day, your feelings, the things you went through or simply your thoughts, questions and desires. The words you are writing are messages from your deepest self. Your soul is speaking to you through your writing. Journaling is one of the tools that can help you to make choices that are in alignment with your soul and your purpose.

Be in Nature

Spending time in nature can instantly connect you with the essence of who you are. The first step in connecting your body with nature is realizing that you are nature, an essential part of it all. Your body is made up of all the same elements, minerals and energy that makes up the planet. Being in nature can quiet your mind, especially if you are stressed, worried or anxious. While in nature, take a moment to observe you senses.


Meditation is a powerful tool for connecting with your soul. It allows us to detach from the stress layers that prevent our connection with the soul and enables us to develop a new relationship with our thoughts. Meditation helps us quiet our minds so that we begin to hear the messages that are coming from our soul. You do not have to go far with meditation; 5 to 10 minutes every day are enought to start having a connection with your soul.

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