Down The Rabbit Hole Inspiration Mind The Magic Garden

Learning to love yourself

Finding balance within and with our relationships is something that all of us are striving for. The first step is that we first have to understand and realize our self-worth.

We need to fully understand and tell ourselves every day: I am worthy of being loved, of respect, of forgiveness. I am worthy to be heard and listened to and my feelings matter. I am important and I deserve all of the relationships in my life to be aligned with this truth, my truth.

It all comes down to self-love

The importance of treating yourself with a lot of love and self care is undeniable.

It is 100% guaranteed that all issues that surface in your life, come from that deeper part of you that you have forgotten how to Love. The realization that everything society and media are constantly telling you and showing you is nothing more than what they want you to believe only to serve their own agenda. Only you decide what you accept as truth. Embracing your body is beautiful and sacred and important.

Learn to love yourself, you deserve it. Self-love isn’t selfish, it’s necessary. Love yourself so much that you respect yourself enough to always listen to your heart and get rid of everything that is not serving you.

Love yourself unconditionally. There is no judgement, no pressure to be anyone else than who you are, gracing the world with your beautiful energy.
Each and every one of us is a work of art, a unique creation with so many beautiful imperfections. You can find your happy place when you stop comparing your self to other people and embrace yourself. Diversity is beautiful and inspiring.

Remember you are whole, enough, gorgeous, fun, strong and sexy just as you are. The list goes on and on, the more you love yourself and the more you value yourself, the less likely you are to tolerate relationships that throw you off course and out of balance.

Our connection with all of life stems from our connection with ourselves. We have to learn to love ourselves. We have to learn to know our worth. And when we do, our relationships will have a way of automatically following.

There is a little child inside of us that needs all the love that we can give.

Just like Buddha said

You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.

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