moon phases
Down The Rabbit Hole Inspiration

The Moon phases and their meaning

The Moon is a beautiful mystery and has captivated the attention of everyone at some point. I am a believer of the energy the moon has and they way it affects us and therefore I decided to write a few posts about it. Since this is the first one, I will initially try to explain each phase of the moon.

The Moon is an ancient symbol, it has shaped how we track and understand time, it rises every day bringing in the night, it controls the tides and is believed to affect our energetic fields. It represents strong powerful feminine energy and signifies wisdom, illusion, intuition and spiritual connection. The Moon cycle connects with birth, death and reincarnation, like the cycle of a seed: it grows up into a flower, it blooms and then it dies.

The Moon connects with the ocean and the menstrual cycle and since our body is up to 60% water, our bodies and emotions are influenced by the pull of the Moon in the same way that tides are. It has the ability to activate, illuminate, and awaken us on different levels. If we are attuned to the Moon’s cycles and learn to live our lives by each moon phase, we can activate and harness its innate powers and use its energy to better connect to ourselves.

The Moon’s cycle is 29.5 days, during which it goes through 8 phases, each of which has a unique energy and meaning. Each phase of the moon has unique characteristics that hold significant spiritual meaning and signify the rhythm of life that is within each of us. The phases are the New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter, Waxing Gibbous, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous, Third Quarter, and Waning Crescent.

New Moon

During the New Moon, the Moon is positioned between the Earth and the Sun so we cannot see it from the Earth. This phase brings with it themes of new beginnings as well as clean slates and fresh starts. During this time you should spend a moment breathing, stepping back, refreshing and restarting. It is important to let yourself have impulses and let yourself make a new start in an aspect of your life. It is a great time to gather your thoughts together and plan for the month ahead.

Waxing Crescent Moon

The Sun moves closer to the Moon and begins to illuminate it. This phase represents your hopes; you should focus on the why and what intentions are going to get you there. By developing your intentions, you are laying the mental groundwork that is needed as you go towards your purpose.

The First Quarter Moon

During that phase exactly half of the Moon is illuminated, and we start to feel a call to action and decision making. After planting your intentions, you may begin to feel some resistance towards achieving those goals. You may be starting to become highly emotional and anxious. Spend extra time making decisions that will keep you on the path towards achieving your desires and keep your intentions in mind. Keeping a to-do list or journal will allow you to have a physical representation of your intentions.

The Waxing Gibbous Moon

Means that more than half of the Moon is illuminated . This phase brings with it themes of refinement, adjustment, and editing; it involves the fine details. During this time really pay attention to detail and be mindful of what you are doing.

The Full Moon

The Sun illuminates the entire moon. Emotions may run high and we may need to seek balance during this phase as the Sun and Moon are in opposite zodiac signs. This is a great time to set goals and make any promises to yourself on a soul level as you are able to look objectively and clearly. You will begin to reap the benefits of the intention set during the New Moon in the form of new opportunities and see results from your hard work the previous week. Be prepared and open to receiving new opportunities and abundance.

The Waning Gibbous Moon

During that phase, the Moon decreasing in illumination once more and signifies gratitude. Themes of gratitude, enthusiasm, and sharing are strong. This phase opens yourself to feelings of love and abundance as you see the outcomes of your previously set goals and intentions. Make a list of all the things you are grateful for.

During the Third Quarter Moon

During this phase, we see the exact opposite process of the first quarter as the illumination decreases and makes its way back to another new Moon. This phase is filled with release, forgiveness, and letting go; forgive yourself of everything and others as well. This is a great time to cleanse and get rid of emotional or physical clutter that you have accumulated. Get rid of anything that no longer serves you.

The Waning Crescent Moon

It refers to the shrinking of the Moon’s illumination and is the final phase on the road to the new Moon. The feelings surrounding this phase are surrender, rest and recuperation. Spend time being mindful, going with the flow and surrendering to the world around you. Relax and surrender to the universe as you prepare for the start of a new cycle and as you get ready to reset your intentions.

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