Down The Rabbit Hole Inspiration

Chasing butterflies

Remember the girl that got lost on the way, the one with the innocent smile and the sparkle in her eyes.

She came in this life alone, from her first breath she was trying to survive in this world. At first having the help of her parents and her family. Depending on them, she effortlessly accepts everything they have to teach her and then it’s time to continue on her own. Family only gives the basics, it was real life and experiences that actually formed her personality and gave her the tools in order to be able to survive further. Experiences in life teach the most valuable lessons; when she experiences for herself this is when she actually learns, gathering wisdom and angelic energy wherever she goes, opening her wings and feel the world in her whole being. How liberating that feels.

When life challenged her, she discovered a unique power. She is made to find light even in the darkest night. If only she could use that every day, how different she would be.

Her precious self is unique, her inner world is fragile. She floats between the worlds of imagination and reality. She is carrying a whole world inside her, a world of emotions, experiences, lessons, fears, questions and hope; Every time she falls she stands up smiling, laughing at the irony of herself pushing her down. Every time she breaks she gathers the broken pieces and put them back together. She is not afraid to play with fire because it makes her feel alive; for she knows that everything is her creation, both her failures and her successes. You can never tell what she has been through or what she is carrying inside.. what kind of battles she has fought or is still fighting.. how many ghosts are hunting her and how many demons are still trying to break her.. and how love and hope are still trying to find their way up to the surface despite all those.

Her heart is still beating and she is not afraid to love despite the scars of her past. For her love is infinite and can brighten the world making it dance to the beat of her high energy vibrations.

chasing butterflies

And so she moves with love and courage on her journey, entering the unknown with fierce strength. Because she wants to see the world differently. She summons her experiences and accepts the lessons with gratitude because they shaped her into the remarkable person she is today. Her words reflect a radiant dance of her mystical and wonderful thoughts; she is LOVE in a world that overflows with forgotten magic and faded beauty.

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