ritual, morning, routine
Body Health Mind The Magic Garden Through The Looking Glass

Morning ritual magic

In a world where putting other people’s needs has become a dominant part of our life, where we’re rushing to do everything and meet everyone’s needs, self care seems like a midsummer night’s dream.
However, self care should be practiced every day and the key to making anything a ritual is awareness.

Your morning ritual will set the tone for the day and can make all the difference in how the rest of the day will unfold.

This is my own personal ritual but everyone can choose any of the things I do and add to his own morning ritual. Just remeber to keep it simple and don’t make a long list otherwise you will achieve the opposite.

#1: Wake Up Early

wake up, early, morning
Photo by Daria Shevtsova

Who wants to get off the warmth of their bed especially in winter time? I guess not as many (guilty)! However, getting your body in line with the natural rhythm of life is an extra bonus in the detoxing process. Waking up early is not hard when you get to bed early the night before. Your day really starts the night before, so be sure you’re getting the deepest, most restful sleep before midnight so you can wake up feeling refreshed when your alarm goes on at 7 o’clock (like mine does )

#2: Mantra chanting

Mantras are ways to internalize and harness your positive consciousness. A mantra is a word or sound meant to be chanted aloud or repeated silently in order to enhance concentration in meditation and improve your well-being . Mantras are a positive point of concentration that allow us to be truly present, silencing the noise in our lives.

Using mantras in the morning sets a tone for how you’ll view and respond to the world throughout the day. Morning mantras set a positive intention for where your focus and energy should be, empowering you to maintain that mindset throughout the day.

#3: Detox drink

Having this before breakfast has a lot of benefits for our body and immune system. A lass of warm water, lemon juice, ginger, turmeric and cayenne pepper (optional).

  • Lemon is naturally detoxifying and alkalizing in the body, aids in healthy bowel movements, and boasts plenty of Vitamin C, which boosts the immune system.
  • Turmeric contains a compound called curcumin, which boasts amazing antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Ginger is a natural anti-inflammatory and antioxidant that has been known to aid digestion and relieve nausea.
  • Cayenne stimulates circulation, boosts metabolism, naturally relieves pain, and can have an alkalizing effect in the body.

#4: Healthy breakfast

Take time to have a nourishing breakfast. Your body needs fuel to go through the day so make sure to fill it with a healthy breakfats and take the time to enjoy it.

Create your own ritual and follow as many of these little steps as you can, as many mornings as you can and you’ll start to see life-changing benefits over time.

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