The gratitude path
Down The Rabbit Hole Inspiration Mind Soul The Magic Garden

The Gratitude Path

Gratitude. What a crazy powerful practice. One of the most important practices that enhances the law of attraction is being grateful for what you have. However, gratitude is not only a powerful practice for the law of attraction; gratitude shields you from negativity, makes you at least 25% happier, rewires your brain, eliminates stress, heels, improves sleep, boosts self esteem and performance, improves relationships. Sending out the frequency of gratitude is actually beyond powerful.

The power of gratitude is even magnified when you truly comprehend the gift of being alive. When you reach an awareness state that you feel being one with this great mystery that is called life. Our simplest abilities—breathing, walking, talking, hearing, seeing—are all gifts that have been given to us without any effort or earning on our part.

Life with all its ups and downs, ebbs and flows, gives and takes. This is the key; feeling immense gratitude for everything that this life has brought to you, because every single experience you’ve had, has made you the person you are today and brought you at this point. That kind of thankfulness, goes deeper than just being grateful when things go our way. When you are thankful even for the tough situations that happen to you, you open your mind and you welcome all the lessons that this life has to teach you in order to become your highest self. So learn to be grateful for everything that happens to you, even for those challenges, the smiles and tears, the good and hard times. Because they are part of the bigger picture.

Say “thank you” as often as possible, every single day for everything. The more grateful you are, the more things you are going to find to be grateful for. If you send out the frequency of gratitude, you embody abundance because you are communicating that you have something to be grateful for. The feeling of gratitude creates very high frequencies, therefore, being grateful is always a win-win situation.

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home and a stranger into a friend”- Melody Beattie

With gratitude you blossom. The more gratitude you have, the more abundance you magnetize. A grateful heart is a magnet for all the good things in life. When you tap into gratitude, you align with the present moment and step into the vibrational space of peace and joy. You get to see all the beauty in your life, all the love, how far you’ve come, all the things you forget so easily or take for granted. Life is beautiful.

What are you grateful for then?

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