Body Health Through The Looking Glass

Smart tips for reducing your sugar intake

Suffering from a sugar addiction? Well I surely do. That is why I am constantly trying to find alternatives so that I can cut down on this addiction. For me, it is very difficult to avoid the temptation of such a delicious ingredient, but I am constantly searching a way to make it possible. How, is a very good question; well for starters self-control is my strongest weapon and of course a handful of healthy alternatives.

First of all you need to know that we’re in this challenge together. It is a huge motivation to know that you are not the only going through this difficult task of cutting down on something you love. Below are some tips that I follow in order to reduce my sugar intake.

Switch sugary soda drinks for sparkling water

Usually we prefer those sugary drinks because we think that they will satisfy our thirst more than water will. Trick your mind with a glass of sparkling water instead. The bubbles will satisfy your thirst with the same fizzy texture. You can also add some fresh fruits into your sparkling water, such as strawberries, blackberries etc for a more fruity taste.

For the after lunch sugar cravings

If you have the same addiction like me, probably it hits you right after you consume a meal. So what to do in this case? Pour yourself a cup of green tea instead. The subtle sweetness from green tea will help suppress the sugar craving. There is a huge variety of flavored green teas such as bergamot, jasmine or lime that can really satisfy your sugar impulse at that moment. Fresh peppermint tea or an infusion is another good alternative.

Cut down on alcohol

Well I bet we all know that alcohol contains sugar and I am not talking about the added sugar that cocktails have. Now imagine mixing alcohol with juice or a sugary soda drink. That makes it not only high in calories, but sugar too, which is bad news for us. When I really want to drink something when I go out, I usually choose red or white wine and if I really want to drink hard alcohol then I will go for Gin with sparkling water.

Prepare your own meals

It might seem like a pain to do so, but trust me, nothing beats a good homemade meal. That includes snacks as well. Apart from all the healthy ingredients, this way you can really control what is in your meal and avoid ready meals that might contain sugar. Not to mention that you’ll likely save more money by bringing your own food from home rather than spending in take away or pricey restaurants.

Add fruits to your breakfast

Fruits are a great substitute for sugar. Of course not only for breakfast meals, but I will focus more there as there are many varieties and you can kick off your morning full of energy. A nice trick would be melting strawberries or blueberries in a pan (with a bit of water) and add that to your porridge.

Swap refined sugar for Organic Honey

Honey is the best alternative to sugar. Although honey is high in sugar and calories, it is still a better choice than refined sugar. Honey provides several antioxidants, such as phenolic acids and flavonoids. It may not increase your blood sugar levels as much as refined sugar does and may help lower cholesterol and triglycerides. However, you need to use it with moderation. You can easily use it in snacks, teas or even make delicious desserts with it.

Read the labels

This is a habit that I started a while ago and it really made a difference. You would not believe how much food we buy at the supermarket that contains sugar! Reading the label is an absolute must for everyone that wants to cut down on sugar. Products such as salad dressings and condiments, pasta sauces, breakfast cereals, milk, and granola bars often have sugar in their ingredients list.

Spice it up

Many sweet-tasting herbs and spices can easily be added to food and drink to replace sugar. Cinnamon is my favorite spice. In addition to that you can always use nutmeg, ginger, allspice, cardamom, and vanilla. You can add them to teas, infusions or sprinkle on top of oatmeal or yogurt.

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